

The Daily routine of the cardinal warriors school have come to establish themselves as important traditions of the school. While the day is planned so as to get the Cadets to live an active campus life due heed is also paid to have ample scope for rest, leisure and individual time.

The Daily routine of the Cardinal Warrior have come to establish themselves as important traditions of the school. While the day is planned so as to get the Cadets to live an active campus-life due heed is also paid to have ample scope for rest, leisure and individual time.

The daily routine followed in Cardinal Warrior is as under :-

  • 06:00 am - 06:30 am - Physical Training

  • 07:30 am - 08:00 am - Breakfast

  • 08:30 am - 08:50 am - Morning Assembly

  • 08:50 am - 01:30 pm - Academic Classes

  • 01:45 pm - 02:15 pm - Lunch

  • 02:15 pm - 04:00 pm - Quiet Period

  • 04:00 pm - 05:30 pm - Games/Club

  • 06:00 pm - 08:00 pm - Evening Prep

  • 08:00 pm - 09:30 pm - Dinner/Ante Room

  • 09:30 pm - 10:30 pm - Own-time Study

  • 10:45 pm - onwards - Lights Out

The daily routine followed in Cardinal Warrior is as under :-

Each house has a Hostel Superintendent and a wardern to look after the personal comforts & welfare of the Cadets. Each house is provided with a Dish TV set for recreation of cadets. The school provide to the cadets well-balanced, and nourishing diet. The cadets are served three meals a day in addition to milk in the morning and tea & snacks in the forenoon and afternoon. The daily menu invariably includes fresh fruit, milk, butter, jam, eggs, cereals, vegetables and meat/fish/chicken. Separate arrangement exists for vegetarians and non-vegetarians. The school have an Ml Room with the presence of nursing assistants. Special care is taken of the health of the cadets. Detailed medical history charts are maintained for individual cadets and a careful and accurate periodical record of height, weight and chest measurements is kept. Cadets who need special treatment are sent to other hospitals having requisite facilities. Where payment is required to be made, it is communicated to cadets parents. Cadets are required to follow School discipline meticulously. Younger cadets are guided and helped by the senior cadets to learn to live in a disciplined way. If a cadet is declared undesirable he will be sent home immediately at parents' cost and risk. In such cases, the decision of the Principal shall be final and binding. Ragging is prohibited in the school. Cadets may be withdrawn from the school by the school authority on grounds of extreme indiscipline cases. Text Books will not be provided by the School free of cost. These are required to be purchased by the cadets. Stationery items will also be required to be purchased and may be procured from the authorized school shop to maintain uniformity.

Kit and clothing items to be provided at the time of admission are given below. For pattern, sample and quality, parents/guardians are requested to contact the school authorities at the time of admission. School may also require the cadets to procure / possess additional items as per school requirements. All the item’s mentioned below except mattresses shall however, be provided by parents to their sons/wards at their own expenses.

    Kindly ensure that these items are brought along at the time of admission.
    A). Mattresses 01

    B). Rain cape 01

    C). Mosquito Net 01

    D). Gum Boots 01

    E). Bed sheet 02

    F). Satchel 01

    G). Pillow Cases 02

    H). Grey Bag 01

    I). Blankets 01

    J). Kit Bag 01

    K). Pillow 01

    Any item specific to the need by school will be intimated to the parents by the School concerned.

    1. Tooth Brush 01

    2. Tooth Paste 01

    3. Toilet Soap with Case 02

    4. Washing soap with Case 02

    5. Hair Oil 01

    6. Nail Cutter 01

    7. Shoe polish 01

    8. Polish brush 01

    9. Mirror 01

    10. Rain Coat 01

    11. Water proof shoes 01

    12. Slippers 01

    13. Plastic Bucket with Mug 01

    14. Torch 01

    15. School Bag 01

    16. School Belt 01

    17. Steel box/suit case 01

    18. Lock & Key 01

    19. Football boots 01

    20. Vest & Underwear 04
    21. Handkerchief 06

    22. Shirt Khaki 06

    23. Shorts Khaki 06

    24. Shorts Khaki 06

    25. Stocking woolen Navy Blue 02

    26. Socks Woolen or Socks Cotton 04

    27. Shorts Sports 04

    28. Shirt Sports 04

    29. Shoes (Oxford) 02

    30. PT Shoes 02

    31. Suit Woolen 01

    32. Pullover 01

    33. School Tie 01

    34. Trouser White 01

    35. Cap with Crest/ Pagri


    Parents/guardians are requested to co-operate with the school for its smooth functioning by observing the following :
  • (a) Prompt acknowledgement of all School communication regarding fees, progress reports etc., & compliance with the instructions contained in various circulars & letters.

  • (b) Do not send money directly to your child/ward as he is not allowed to receive or possess ready cash.

  • (c) Avoid request for leave for your child/ward during the term.

  • (d) Ensure that your child/ward is properly equipped with proper kit and clothing and other necessities.

  • (e) Your child/ward must have sufficient balance in his pocket money account.

  • (f) He should rejoin School on due date after each vacation.

  • (g) The cadets are not allowed to keep any valuables with them, such as, expensive wrist watches, gold rings and gadgets such as mobiles, laptops, camera, pen drives, ATM cards etc. The school will not be responsible for the loss of any such article if kept in the House. Cadets will not be allowed to keep any cash. If found, it will be confiscated and deposited in their Pocket Money Account. No money order will be accepted in the name of cadets. Parents/ guardians are requested not to give any cash to their wards. Cadets are not allowed to keep accounts in the local Banks or Post Office. The defaulters will invite disciplinary action.

  • (h) In case of illness, if the presence of a parent or guardian is required, you shall be informed by the School which you should promptly respond.

  • (j) In all correspondence, the child's/ward's School No, name, house and class should be mentioned.

  • (k) Parents /guardians can meet their ward only with a prior permission from the respective House Master.

  • (l) Parents to sign and submit Indemnity Bond on Rs.10/- Stamp paper attested by the Notary at the time of admission. Parents will be informed well in advance the date of the commencement of vacation. It is the responsibility of parents to intimate the school as to where they want their wards to spend vacation. Parents may come personally or authorise any other person in writing to collect the child. The school will otherwise dispatch the cadets at parent's risk. Similarly, parents will ensure that the cadets are escorted back to school on the due date.

  • Late arrivals after vacation will be penalised and/or punished as decided by the Principal.