  • 2021-08-18
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Developing survival skills involves developing a wide variety of techniques. Almost any type of environment, either natural or manmade, can be used for the purpose of maintaining life. Basic wilderness survival skills are a requirement for any outdoor activity, especially when it comes to handling emergency situations.

The purpose of survival camping is a taste for simplicity and judicious use of resources within the confines of closed walls. You learn about camping gear and essentials while on a survival camp. 

Any outdoor adventure will leave campers with a new sense of empowerment, regardless of what aspect of it captures their attention campers who experience the outdoors at the camp return to the world ready to tackle it with creativity, determination, and humility in the fast-paced, rapidly changing world.

A survival skill can be as simple as picking up a pair of scissors and cutting a piece of wire. Children typically spend half as much time outside as their parents spent as children, despite a number of studies suggesting they need fresh air and sunlight for good health and well-being.

By offering survival skills-themed experiences, a number of local camps are addressing this need.

Kids and teens who attend survival workshops or camps can enhance their self-esteem as well as their self-confidence by participating in fun, muddy, wholesome activities. “This type of camp allows a child or teen to learn self-reliance and self-confidence. Also, kids can learn valuable skills for understanding crisis situations, and how to respond to them with calm and rational responses."

Merits of learning survival skills –

It is incredibly rewarding and life-changing to learn and practice survival skills-

  • A greater sense of self-worth.
  • Self-esteem is enhanced.
  • Strengthened character.
  • Experience the outdoors with a greater sense of appreciation.
  • Having the ability to rely on one's own abilities and trust in them.


The term "survival skills" or "survival training" is usually used in the context of the mechanics of survival in a wilderness environment. Students who specialize in survival training should know things such as how to build a fire under less-than-ideal conditions, what supplies they should have on hand, and so on and so forth. There is an increasing number of books, websites, and videos devoted to survival skills training. The key to staying safe under less than optimal conditions is to know these nuts and bolts, and possessing them can save your life. The idea of providing your children with survival skills often falls under the radar, yet it is as crucial as the intangible aspect.


Benefits for survival training-

  • Increasing survival chances-A survival skill's most obvious effect is to help you survive. It's more likely that you'll make it through adverse situations if you undergo survival training. Training is the best preparation for survival, and it is the most important one.


  • Developing characters-A young person's character is gained when he or she considers what to do during a frightening survival event and faces the realities. Despite their responsibilities, not every young person is confronted with such harsh realities.


  • Enjoying the outdoors-Taking on outdoor self-reliance also allows individuals to appreciate the natural world, as well as the things that make it up. As part of survival training, students learn to respect and the joy that nature can bring.


  • Survival Tools-A survival school provides students with excellent survival equipment, such as survival knives, survival kits, and emergency fire starters. As much as adults love cool gear, young people are also taught to handle objects safely, such as knives and fire implements.


  • Self-esteem-It is excellent for your self-esteem to know that you will survive difficult times. Participants gain self-confidence from survival training courses. Despite the challenges they have faced, they are confident they are capable of overcoming them.



By providing a dynamic, success-oriented education program, Cardinal Warriors cultivates responsive and motivated students. In addition to providing a global perspective on various topics, the program also empowers students to develop their indigenous perspectives. In order to provide career-oriented students with a residential educational institution that encourages academic success, Cardinal Warriors was established.

Educational boards promote holistic education, which includes experiential learning. The purpose of this method is to expose students to as much of the outside environment as possible so that they gain knowledge, values, etiquette, and culture to become well-rounded individuals, which is the need of the hour in a diversified country like India. Students of all classes are taken on excursions, treks, camps, and field trips to provide ample learning opportunities. The achievement record reflects the marks/grades students receive for participating in such activities.